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Our New Podcast Premieres Today!

#Chargers podcasts have started sounding the same as this (so far) losing season circles the drain, so we fixed it.

What's on offer: something different.

Fresh takes and new perspectives about your Los Angeles Chargers, designed to entertain you and provide valuable reframes. Hey, it's not about how you look--it's about how you feel.

A cartoon frog in a football uniform looking devastated
Promo thumbnail for the podcast

In our premiere episode:

  • Which Chargers fans are to blame for the losing record?

  • Are the Chargers Social Media team's antics counter-productive?

  • Senor Snappy and Chargers Truther exchange some testy moments

  • Mervyn (Rambling Ronnie) and Kyle (Bolt Bros) inject some sense

  • The front office get's a full working-over

Please join us and leave some feedback:

Boat Up!

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